My body is in a bit of pain today from yesterdays workout. Going down into chaturanga was killer! For breakfast I had a very yummy protein shake :) ...and took it on the road with me as I was off to work earlier than what I like ;)

When I got home from work I feel asleep on the couch for a bit, my son came to wake me, I cooked him pizza. He didn't eat it all thank goodness but when he took it out of the oven he put the whole thing on his plate! He's big into pizza right now. At least he had a healthy lunch. While he at his dinner, I did my yoga then was off to get us a movie and my dinner: salmon, red pepper, broccoli

I'm loving the results in my back so far and can't wait to see the difference at 30 days :)
LOL Damn I remember when I use to do tha, grab half the pizza and eat it like tha LOL